Travel Insurance

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Peace of Mind While You’re Away from Home

Travel can be fun, exciting, and a great time to have new experiences. Unfortunately, travel can sometimes go awry. Disasters, accidents, and mishaps can happen regardless of how prepared we are. Travel insurance helps cover you from any losses that occur during your trip that are unforeseen.

What it Covers

If you are in a different country or region, travel insurance will assist with medical needs, which may include time in the hospital, emergency vehicle services, testing, and more. If need be, this type of insurance can also help get you back to Canada to receive treatment as quickly as possible.

Travel insurance will also cover you for certain things that aren’t medical related. If you lose baggage, if your trip needs to be cancelled, or if you experience an interruption during your travel, insurance coverage will help make things go more smoothly.

Types of Travel Insurance

There are several types of travel insurance available. Our team will assist you in getting the best type for your needs.


  • This type of travel insurance is for a one-time (single) trip.
  • Ideal for those who aren’t traveling multiple times over the course of a year.


  • This type of travel insurance is for those who take multiple trips over the course of a year.
  • For example, if you leave Alberta more than twice a year, this would be a good option for you.

Trip Cancellation & Interruption

  • This type of travel insurance offers financial protection to cover any costs associated with unexpected trip cancellations or interruptions.
  • You will be covered from the time leading up to your departure for your trip, as well as the time spent on your trip.

Visitors to Canada

  • If you are visiting Canada, getting health insurance is important.
  • For those applying for a Super Visa, there will be requirements for proof of medical insurance coverage.
  • If you are a student who wants to study in Canada, or a student from Canada going abroad for your education, student travel insurance coverage is available. If you were to get sick or need emergency medical services while away, you want to ensure you can access proper treatment.


  • Snowbirds are citizens who live in warmer climates (such as the United States) for the winter months.
  • While you are out of the country, unexpected things may occur, such as illness, accidents, disasters, and more. Purchasing travel insurance will keep you protected while living away from Canada.